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2014 Kocaeli Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (Radyoloji Uzmanlığı)
2006 İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi

2023-… Özel Medicine Hospital
2019-2021 Florence Nightingale Hastanesi, İstanbul
2017-2019 Sakarya Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Sakarya
2016-2017 Şanlıurfa Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Şanlıurfa
2014-2016 İzmit Seka Devlet Hastanesi, Kocaeli

Onkolojik Görüntüleme
Nöroradyolojik Görüntüleme
İleri MR görüntüleme (MR Spektroskopi, Perfüzyon MR)
Kardiyak ve Prostat MR Görüntüleme

Türk Radyoloji Derneği
Türk Nöroradyoloji Derneği
European Society of Radiology (Avrupa Radyoloji Derneği)
Royal College of Radiology (İngiltere Radyoloji Derneği)

  1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler:
  2. Solmaz, V., Özlece, H. K., Bozkurt, M. F., Özkul, B., & Erbaş, O. (2021). Repeated gadoteric acid and gadobutrol exposure causes deterioration of behavior and memory functions in rats: MRI, histopathological and biochemical evidence. Brain Research, 1754, 147256.
  3. Halil Sever, I., Ozkul, B., Sokmen, B. K., & Gurcan, N. I. (2021). Evaluation of Chest CT Findings using the Reporting and Data System of Patients with Suspected COVID-19 Infection. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 23(7).
  4. Sever, İ.H., Ozkul, B., Erisik Tanriover, D., Ozkul, O., Elgormus, C.S., Gur, S., Sogut, I., Uyanikgil, Y., Çetin, E.Ö., & Erbaş, O. (2021). Protective effect of oxytocin through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant role in a model of sepsis-induced acute lung injury: Demonstrated by CT and histological findings. Experimental Lung Research, 47, 426 – 435.
  5. Bora, E. S., Erdoğan, M. A., Özkul, B., Sever, I. H., Söğüt, I., Hürdağ, C., & Erbaş, O. (2022). Short term protective effect of digitoxin in sepsis-induced acute lung injury. Biocell, 46(2), 433.
  6. Sever, I. H., Ozkul, B., Bozkurt, M. F., & Erbas, O. (2022). Therapeutic effect of finasteride through its antiandrogenic and antioxidant role in a propionic acid-induced autism model: Demonstrated by behavioral tests, histological findings and MR spectroscopy. Neuroscience Letters, 779, 136622.
  7. Bozkurt, M. F., Bhaya, M. N., Sever, İ. H., Özkul, B., & Erbaş, O. (2022). Medroxyprogesterone acetate improves propionic acid-induced autism rat model and magnetic resonance spectroscopic correlation.  Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology17(2), 56-65.
  8. Özkul, B., Özkul Ö., & Bilir, C. (2022). Predicting the Overall Survival in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer by Calculating L3 Skeletal Muscle Index Derived from CT. Current Medical Imaging.
  9. Canbolat, N., Ozkul, B., Sever, İ.H., Sogut, I., Eroğlu, E., Uyanikgil, Y., & Erbaş, O. (2022). Vitamins C and E protect from sepsis-induced lung damage in rat and CT correlation. Bratislavske lekarske listy, 123 11, 828-832.
  10. Özkul, B., Urfalı, F. E., Sever, İ. H., Bozkurt, M. F., Söğüt, İ., Elgörmüş, Ç. S., Erdogan, M. A., & Erbaş, O. (2022). Demonstration of ameliorating effect of vardenafil through its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties in autism spectrum disorder induced by propionic acid on rat model. The International journal of neuroscience, 132(11), 1150-1164.
  11. Urfali, M, Yilmaz, G, Özkul, B, Urfali, FE. Indirect evaluation of amyloid deposition by ultrasonography and its relationship with MEFV gene mutation in FMF patients. J Clin Ultrasound. 2022; 1- 8.
  12. Ozkul, O., Ozkul, B., Erdogan, M. A., & Erbas, O. (2022). Ameliorating Effect of Propofol on Cisplatin-Induced Liver and Kidney Damage in Rats. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY18(8), 1623-1635.
  13. URFALI, F. E., Erarslan, S., Özkul, B., Korkmaz, M., & Sermin, T. O. K. (2022). Relationship of thyroid gland elasticity with age, gender and thyroid gland volume in the shear-wave ultrasound elastography. The European Research Journal, 8(1), 118-121.
  14. Ozkul, O., Ozkul, B., & Erbas, O. (2022). The Investigation of Ameliorating Effect of Methylene Blue on Cisplatin-Induced Neurotoxicity in Female Rats. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Investigations, 13(1).
  15. Kalaycıoğlu, B., Özkul, B., & Öztürk, O. (2022). Quantitative Volumetric CT Analysis of COVID-19 Pneumonia and Correlation with Neutrophillymphocyte Ratio. Bagcilar Medical Bulletin.
  16. Ozkul B, Koyuncu Sokmen B, Sever I, Ozkul O, Gurcan N. The Role of Simultaneous Standardized Uptake Value and MRI Diffusion Weighted Heterogeneity Index from Hybrid PET/MR in the Evaluation of Brain Metastases. EJMI. 2022; 6(4): 387-393
  17. Çiftçi, S., Ozkul, B., Ustuner, M., Nagihanlnan, & Çulha, M. (2014). A novel method for repair of testis rupture after gunshot trauma: repair with Tutoplast processed pericardium. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 64 12, 1424-7.


  1. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında (proceedings) basılan bildiriler:
  2. Özkul, Y. Anık, G. Yücesoy, K. Bek, İ.G. Anık, A. Demirci, Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Genitourinary Pathologies. European Symposium on Urogenital Radiology Congress, 2013, İstanbul, Türkiye, SS5.03H.
  3. İ. Çam, Anık, E. Çalışkan, B. Özkul, A.İ. Anık, A. Demirci, Placental Diffusion MR Imaging Findings in Uterine Growth Retardation. Korean Congress of Radiology, 2013, Seoul, Korea, MC 09 PD-19.
  4. Akça, Y. Anık, Z. Sakçı, M. Gençtürk, B. Özkul, A. Kaya, Ö. Altıntaş, Effects of Refractive Errors on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Visual Cortex. European congress of Radiology, 2014, Wien, Austria, B-0852.
  5. Özkul, N. İnan, H.T. Sarısoy, G. Akansel, Ö. Özkul, A. Demirci, Diagnostic Performance of Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Pericardial Effusion. European Society of Thoracic Imaging Congress, 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands, OP-57
  6. Özkul, F. Yenihayat, N. Yüksel, A. Akça, A. Arslan, Diagnostic Performance of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Visual Pathways of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Patients. European Congress of Radiology, 2015, Wien, Austria, B-1218.
  7. İH Sever, Özkul, Comparison of Heterogeneity Index and SUVmax For Liver Metastasis in PET/MRI. 17-19 October 2019, 17th Balkan Congress of Radiology, Crete, Greece, OP-021.
  8. Kalaycıoğlu, B. Özkul, O. Öztürk, Quantitative Volumetric CT Analysis in Correlation with Blood Changes of COVID-19. III. International Conference on COVID-19 Studies, 25-27 December 2020, Ankara, Turkey.
  9. Meşe İ, Anık Y, Altıntaş C, Özkul B. Role of MRI in the Diagnosis of Fetal Non-Central Nervous System Anomalies. 1. International Congress on Medical Sciences and Multidisciplinary Approaches, 20-21 February 2021, Online
  10. G. Gür, B. Özkul, Analysis of Radiology Findings in COVID-19 Patients. IV. International Congress on COVID-19 Studies, 17-19 April 2021, Istanbul, Turkey.
  11. Özkul, İ. H. Sever, N. İnan, Diagnostic value of heterogeneity index and SUVmax for grading of HCC in PET/MRI, The Virtual International Congress of International Liver Transplant Society and European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association, 5-8 May 2021, Online, O-131.
  12. Özkul, F. E. Urfalı, Relationship Between COVID-19 Pneumonia and Reactive Thymus Hyperplasia, 2. International Harran Health Science Congress, 6-8 May 2021, Online
  13. Özkul, İS. Barlas, İH. Sever, SG Gür, EB. Akın. Predıctıng Nuclear Renography Based Split Renal Function in Living Donor Transplantation with CT Based Measured Split Renal Volumes, 20th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 29 August-1 September 2021, Milan, Italy
  14. Bora ES, Erdoğan MA, Özkul B, Sever Hİ, Söğüt İ, Hürdağ C, Erbaş O. Short term Protective effect of Digoxin in sepsis-induced acute lung injury, 1. International Emergency Medicine Congress, 28-31 October 2021, Bodrum, Turkey
  15. Bora ES, Omay S, Özkul B, Sever Hİ, Söğüt İ, Tomruk C, Uyanıkgil Y, Erışık D, Erbaş O. Short Term Protective Effect of Beta Blockers (Propranolol, Metoprolol, Carvedilol) from Sepsis-Induced Lung Damage in Rats, 7. Avrasya Acil tıp ve 17. Türkiye Acil Tıp Kongresi, 25-28 November 2021, Antalya, Turkey, S-062
  16. Özkul, Y. Anık, İ. Anık, İ. Çam, H. Genç, A. Demirci, Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Pituitary Gland. Korean Congress of Radiology, 9-12 Ekim 2013, Seoul, Korea, SE 09 NR-58.
  17. İ. Çam, H.K. Biçkin, Y. Anık, M. Gençtürk, A. Akça, Özkul, A. Demirci, Z. Sakçı, Assestment of Deep and Cortical Gray Matter Involvement via DTI and Correlation with Volumetric Analysis in MS. European Congress of Radiology, 6-10 Mart 2014, Wien, Austria, C-2115.
  18. Özkul, N. İnan, Ö. Özkul, H.T. Sarısoy, G. Akansel, A. Akça, İ. Çam, A Rare Case: Coronary Sinus Thrombosis. European Society of Thoracic Imaging, 12-14 Haziran 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands, P-0085.
  19. Özkul, S. Gümüştaş, Ö. Özkul, İ. Çam, A. Akça, A. Demirci, Sweet’s Syndrome: Pulmonary Involvement. European Society of Thoracic Imaging, 12-14 Haziran 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands, P-0084.
  20. Özkul, B. Yaprak, K. Yıldız, F. Çorapcıoğlu, Y. Anık, A Rare Case: NUT Midline Carcinoma. Korean Congress of Radiology, 8-11 Ekim 2014, Seoul, Korea, SE 11 PD-01.
  21. Özkul, İ. Meşe, Y. Doğan, Y. Anık, Role of MRI in the Diagnosis of Fetal non-Central Nervous System Anomalies. Korean Congress of Radiology, 8-11 Ekim 2014, Seoul, Korea, SE 14 OT-13.
  22. Özkul, İ. Meşe, Y. Doğan, A. Akça, Y. Anık, Role of MRI in the Diagnosis of Fetal Central Nervous System Anomalies. Korean Congress of Radiology, 8-11 Ekim 2014, Seoul, Korea, SE 14 OT-12.
  23. Özkul, B. Kalaycıoğlu, Ö. Özkul, A. Akça, N. İnan, Amyand’s Hernia. European Congress of Radiology, 4-8 Mart 2015, Wien, Austria, C-2132.
  24. Özkul, A. Akça, B. Kalaycıoğlu, F. Çorapcıoğlu, Y. Anık, Pleuropulmonary Blastoma. European Society of Thoracic Imaging, 4-6 Haziran 2015, Barcelona, Spain, P-0091.


  1. Yazılan ulusal/uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplardaki bölümler:
  2. Özkul B. Mestatik Meme Kanserinde Güncellenmiş RECIST Kriterleri Versiyon 1.1. Özyılkan Ö, Sedef AM, Aytaç HÖ, Güler OC, ed. Meme Kanseri. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2019: 31, ISBN: 978-605-258-550-4
  3. Özkul B. Malign Melanomda iRECIST Kriterleri. Sedef AM, Güler OC, ed. Sarkomlar ve Cilt Tümörleri. Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2019: 31, ISBN: 978-605-258-556-6


  1. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler:
  2. URFALI, F. E., & Özkul, B. (2020). Comparison between Chest CT and X-ray Under 15 Years Old: Has Technological Progress Lead to Higher Radiation Exposure?. Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation, 4(4), 459-463.
  3. ÖZKUL, B., URFALI, F. E., & ASİL, K. (2022). Quantitative Evaluation of Lung Parenchyma Changes after Treatment in COVID-19 Pneumonia with Volumetric Study in Computed Tomography. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences12(2), 528-532.
  4. Özkul, B., Yenihayat, F., URFALI, F., Yüksel, N., & ARSLAN, A. Difüzyon Tensör Görüntülemenin Primer Açık Açılı Glokom Hastalarının Görme Yollarındaki Tanısal Performansı. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi11(2), 409-419.
  5. Urfalı FE, Tok Ş, Özkul B, Sternum Varyasyonlari ile Primer Spontan Pnömotoraks Arasindaki Ilişkinin BT Bulgulari ile Gösterilmesi, Atlas Journal of Medicine, 2(6), 21-29


  1. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
  2. Özkul B, Sever İH. Primer Abdominal Malignitelerde PET/MRG: Kontrastlı BT ile Karşılaştırıldığında Ek Bulgu Sağlıyor mu? 5-10 Kasım 2019, 40. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye, SS-074.
  3. Özkul B, Sökmen KB, Heterogeneity Index and SUVmax Comprasion for Brain Metastases İn PET/MRI, 14-16 Şubat 2020, Türk Nöroradyoloji Derneği 29. Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 3.S6
  4. Urfalı FE, Özkul B, Kadıoğlu E, Vertigo Şikayeti Olan Hastalarda Radyolojik Görüntüleme Bulguları, 14-16 Şubat 2020, Türk Nöroradyoloji Derneği 29. Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye, S1
  5. Özkul B, Kalaycıoğlu B, Canlı Donör Karaciğer Nakil Sonrası Biliyer Kaçakların Perkütan Tedavisi, 24 Ekim-1 Kasım 2020, 41. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi, Online, Türkiye, SS-059
  6. Özkul Ö, Özkul B, Türkiye’de Onkoloji Yandal Eğitimi ile İlgili Anket Çalışması, 13-14 Mart 2021, Biyobelirteçler ve Onkolojik Tedaviler Sempozyumu, Online, Türkiye, S-014
  7. Meşe İ, Özkul B, Taşlıçay CA, Doğan Y, Anık Y, Role of MRI in the Diagnosis of Fetal Central Nervous System Anomalies, 17-21 Şubat 2021, Türk Nöroradyoloji Derneği 30. Kongresi, Online, Türkiye, 3.S2

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