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Users can only use the information provided on the website for informational purposes and without the prior written permission of, these information cannot be partially or entirely copied, distributed, rented, reproduced, sublicensed, or modified.

Regarding the review, modification, or correction of the information on this website, has the sole authority to change, correct, or remove any information or content on this website at any time without prior notice. No third party or institution has the authority to establish a connection to this website without obtaining prior written consent from makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate and up to date. However, under no circumstances shall be held responsible for any failure to update the information on the website for various reasons, delays in review, potential inaccuracies or omissions on the website, damages, and/or losses arising from or related to transactions based on the information provided on the website, or the inability to access the website.

The publication of the website is strictly limited to promotional and informational purposes and does not imply any commitment to any individual or organization in any matter. The information contained on the site does not constitute a right or commitment for any purpose unless it is explicitly stated in the general and specific terms and conditions and appendices of the insurance policy in question, nor does it imply any modification, expansion, or removal of the provisions contained in the insurance policy and appendices for policyholders. is not responsible for the content of linked websites managed by third parties. The Data Privacy and Security Policy applies to all visitors accessing this site.

Any tampering, alteration, copying, or unauthorized use of any information on this website grants the right to pursue legal and criminal actions.

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