What is Toothache and What are Its Symptoms?

Atlas University Editorial Team

Toothache is a type of pain that manifests in or around the tooth, often accompanied by throbbing or pulsating sensations in the face. This pain can affect individuals of all ages and may present symptoms such as swelling around the tooth, discharge or bad breath originating from an infected tooth, and headaches. If left untreated, toothache can lead to serious health problems such as tooth loss.

Possible Causes of Toothache:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum diseases
  • Tooth fractures
  • Damaged dental fillings
  • Infections in the tooth or surrounding tissues
  • Enamel erosion
  • Bruxism (involuntary teeth grinding)

What Helps Alleviate Toothache?

Patients often initially turn to home remedies to relieve toothache. However, it is important to identify the underlying cause of the pain. Therefore, since home remedies may not be sufficient, it is necessary to seek dental care as soon as possible.

Treatment Methods for Toothache:
To effectively treat toothache, the cause of the pain must be identified, and a treatment plan should be developed accordingly. For example, if tooth decay is causing the pain, the decayed portion should be removed and filled, while pain resulting from a dental filling may require its replacement.

Prevention Methods for Toothache:

  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Brushing teeth twice a day
  • Using dental floss
  • Maintaining tongue and gum hygiene
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Minimizing consumption of sugary foods and drinks.

*The content of our page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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